All of us know Apple recently launched its latest version of iBook. IBook 2.0 has a lot to be discussed about. First of all,it is having some great features.iBook2.0 allows you to make slideshows of pictures in book. You can make notes by simply highlighting the text in the book and can access all the notes at one place.
IBook was the dream of Steve Jobs and he also said that iPads are having the capabilities to obsolete paper books. The textbooks are specifically optimized for iPads and are having a cost $14.99 or less. Since the students have to pay much more than this on buying their course books, this app can be handy for them. iBook 2.0 is set to revolutionize the class rooms.Ibook2.0 truly gives a glimpse of future class rooms.

Apple unveiled these apps on Thursday in New York. Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of world-wide marketing said "These are beautiful books. Interactive, gorgeous, fun, engaging,"
Now the question arises Does Google have an answer for iBook? iPad which is already a popular brand among people and people often prefer iPads over Android Tablets, iBook can make the situation worse for tablets powered by Android.All of us know Android tablets doesn’t provide a good reading experience and iPad being already a study tool among students launch of iBooks is not a good news for Google.It may result in decrease in Android Tablets sales specially among students. It will be interesting to see what Google will bring to tackle iBooks?
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