Saturday, February 4, 2012

Blogging by Passion or for Money

I don’t know how many blogs are there because their number is increasing continuously. More than 200,000 blogs are being created everyday. Every third person I meet is having a blog. Why do people blog? I think there are two possible reasons for it. Either people love blogging that is they are passionate about it or they love money and want to earn money blogging. I am just trying to differentiate between these two kinds of bloggers-
Blogging for money-We all know you can earn decent money by blogging. There are number of ways which can help you to earn from your blog. Adsense of course the most widely used source to monetize your blog. Affiliate marketing through your blog can earn you even more if you are good at it and know how to be a successful affiliate. But there is no easy money here. Some people think that they can earn by setting up a blog, put ads on it and copy content from other blogs. Most of the people who set up blog just for the sole purpose of making money fail because they don’t want to work hard and are impatient. They forget that blogging is all about patience and hard work. You will find plenty of blogs where ads are dominating over content. There are ads everywhere on their blogs.
Blogging by Passion-They are different kind of bloggers. They blog because they love blogging. For them appreciation is more valuable than money. They are having patience and willing to work hard to make their blog a success. Because they know patience and hard work are the keys to become a successful blogger. Just have a look on some famous sites like problogger or basicblogtips. They haven’t succeeded overnight. Continue hard work and patience is behind the success of Darren Rowse and Ms. Ileane. They love their readers more than dollars. They love to hear from their readers.That make passionate bloggers standout from the crowd.
So if you want to be a successful blogger then be passionate. Money comes automatically. Learn something from other blogger who are successful because of their passion and not due to their desire to earn money. Keep blogging and have fun.  

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