UPDATE: The winners are as follows:
Super Monkey Ball 2 goes to -> Diffusion8r
Super Monkey Ball 2 goes to -> AlvinDj7
Super KO Boxing 2 goes to ->Jfenwinky
S.A.N.T.A goes to -> MiniMe
TextBlaster goes to -> Rufus1212
A huge thanks once again to all who entered, I hope you continue coming back to this site and see you all in 2010 for another great year!
Since I will be away for the Christmas break I thought we would kick things off early with this Christmas Giveaway as a big thank you to all our readers.
This site has been around for almost a year now, starting out with only a handful of viewers but now we are booming and the biggest free-hosted iPhone blog on the web which is a pretty big achievement. (That I know of)
I'd like to thank each and every one of you, as I wouldn't be in the situation I am now writing for not only this site but under two great friends James from TheAppEra and Arron from Razorianfly.
What is a better way to have a Christmas giveaway but giveaway not one, but TWO promo codes to the recently released Super Monkey Ball 2.
How are you going to win it?
- This is going to be a random drawing with you having 24 hours to enter
- Everytime you comment on a post you go into the drawing. You can comment on each post made this year a maximum of 1 time, including this one (So if you really want to win this game you have a maximum of 148 entries)
- In the comment you must say what you think of either the game or the review itself. You must also include contact details eg. Twitter Account or Email Address
- Two people will be picked at random and will receive a Super Monkey Ball 2 Code each
- If I am feeling in a good mood we may more codes to giveaway - Devs if you want to help out here email me at Damon@razorianfly.com
Merry 'Early' Christmas!
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